The Fort Worth Area Alliance of black school Educators is devoted to furthering the academic success for the city’s children- particularly children of African descent. FWAABSE is dedicated to improving both the educational experiences and accomplishments of African-American youth through the development and use of instructional and motivational methods that increase levels of inspiration, attendance and overall achievement.

FWAABSE seeks to:

  • Promote and facilitate the education of all students, with a particular focus on African American students
  • Create a forum for the exchange of ideas and strategies to improve opportunities for educators and students
  • Establish a coalition directly and indirectly involved in the education process
  • Identify and develop professionals who will assume leadership positions in education and influence public policy concerning the education of African Americans

FWAABSE’s primary areas of focus are:

  • Professional development programs that strengthen the skills of educators, school board members, parents, and others
  • Information sharing around innovative instructional and learning strategies that have been proven successful in motivating African American youth and increasing academic performance in critical learning areas
  • Policy advocacy to ensure high standards of quality in our public and private education systems
  • Research programs to produce projects that identify educational practices that demonstrate excellence in the school performance of African-American students.

FWAABSE’s primary mission:

Our mission is to enhance the education of all students; And, to exercise leadership in providing valuable professional services and strategies to institutions, agencies, and communities engaged in creating an environment in which students, particularly black students, can achieve academic excellence.

FWAABSE’s goals are:

  1. To focus on student, i.e., literacy, academics and mentorships
  2. To increase legislative sensitivity to black educational issues
  3. To solicit funds and scholarships for educational staff development
  4. To present a recognition program for educators
  5. To provide students scholarship
  6. To improve significantly the ability of black Educators to promote problem resolution
  7. To create a meaningful and effective network of strength, talent, and professional support for students’ education
  8. To network with agencies and institutions in presenting professional development workshops
  9. To provide information to students and parents relative to preparation for college
  10. To provide support to professional Educators for career planning and development

Copyright © 2025 Fort Worth Area Alliance of Black School Educators (FWAABSE) | A TABSE Affiliate

Website by: Website Maintenance Houston

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